How to discuss difficult subjects at work
We live in strange times. There are so many issues that divide us as a society, it’s impossible to avoid them creeping into the workplace.
We live in strange times. There are so many issues that divide us as a society, it’s impossible to avoid them creeping into the workplace.
What if you`re the odd one out at work? There are any number of ways you might be different from your workmates.
Use the 4S method to solve complex problems: State the problem. Don’t guess, drill deeply to identify it. Structure the problem for analysis. Break it down into manageable chunks. Get specialized help where you need it. Solutionise: narrow down potential fixes and test or research them. Don’t rely too much on problems you’ve cracked before. …
Most management experts agree that the single most important quality you need to be a successful boss is the ability to give and receive guidance
The truth is that without good communication skills, it’s unlikely you’ll qualify as a leader. If you have the necessary skills and training, you may rise to a management position. Leadership requires an entirely different set of additional skills. Your responsibility is to be the craftsman of your organization’s mission. Why communication skills is so important. …
Are your communication skills good enough for leadership? Read More »
Have you heard the expression “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there?”
Think about that. Where is there? If you have no end in sight, no goal, it doesn’t matter which route you take, you’ll never know when you’ve arrived. Learn to create strategies for success.