Meeting – In Africa, what do they mean by a good meeting?
In some cultures a good meeting is one that lasts several hours with no decisions or recommendations. This is common in African culture.
In some cultures a good meeting is one that lasts several hours with no decisions or recommendations. This is common in African culture.
Modern management encourages decision making by consensus, so we have many meetings and presentations giving a chance for your star to shine.
Create your story, write a story about you. Not a dull outline of your history since school days. One that tells the world something different about you.
The great leaders are among the most inspirational visionaries in the 20th century. Their leadership has shaped history.
If brainstorming in your business or organization has become a little ho-hum, this will breathe new life into your meetings.
How many people are involved with a product development. Allegedly business communication between them are always effective, is that true?
We all suffer from stress at work. When it’s our stress we know how it affects us, but how does it affect the people around us?
Buzzwords began life with a useful purpose and some are still important identifiers in certain businesses, professions and industries.
Business strategy, while it’s essential to have a strategy in your business, it must be flexible enough to cope with the unexpected.
In work and in life, any decision is better than none. A true and much more tragic example comes from the aviation industry, learn more.