After the pandemic, which businesses will thrive?
Based on the latest research, which businesses will thrive after the pandemic? What are the reasons for it?
Based on the latest research, which businesses will thrive after the pandemic? What are the reasons for it?
Have you got what it takes to start your own business? Probably your first response to this question is “How much money do I need?”
A Simple Technique Will Make You a Rare and Highly Valued Colleague. Simply commit to keeping your word 100% of the time, but how?
Where is booze part of the business culture? In a Japanese tradition, after a hard day’s work, everyone heads off to their favorite bar.
If you want to crush the corporate ladder, be willing to start at the bottom. If there’s an organization, profession, business or industry you’re passionate about, take a job sweeping floors if there’s nothing more suitable. Bet on your hunger, creativity and relentless drive to get you moving up soon. And remember to check our …
Getting your foot in the door is often the first step to success Read More »
Do you understand the role of colour in business communication? Much of what has been written about the role of colour in business, especially the marketing end of it, is nonsense.
Are you prepared for a crisis? Are all your plans and people in place and know what to do when the warning flag is raised?
If your body language is wrong, you can lose deals, spoil relationships and miss business opportunities. Make sure you don’t send the wrong signals or misread the ones you pick up from others.
Small errors can lead to the overall failure of a plan, simple mistakes followed by poor quality control can ruin your business credibility.
Read novels, science fiction, crime, war and period drama books can improve business skills by reading? Why not just watch television instead?