Using internal communication to encourage creativity
Marketing through the internal communication has the power to encourage your people creativity to apply imaginative thinking to their work.
Marketing through the internal communication has the power to encourage your people creativity to apply imaginative thinking to their work.
There have been changes about most powerful words in marketing communications over the decades considering the effectiveness of them.
Most of us work under high pressure, a minor incident can start a full-blown argument, but remember to make your point without making enemies.
Do your actions speak for you? When actions speak louder than words. The idea that your deeds are more important than your words is an ancient one, dating at least as far back as Biblical times and possibly further. The modern version of the phrase began to take shape thanks to French philosopher and writer …
Ask yourself if what you have to say will add value, purpose or clarity to anyone’s life. If you have nothing useful to say, keep it to yourself.
Now here’s a neglected art. We’re all so busy running here and there, treading on each other’s feelings, who has time to write an apology?
Are we really too busy to write a note?
Over the years, millions have been spent on research to identify the persuasive words and ideas in business communications.
We’ve all had discussions that were going along quite nicely, then suddenly everything stops dead. Like cutting the power while watching a movie. What happened?
Perhaps somebody threw in a verbal grenade: a conversation stopper.
This is a useful weapon when debates go off-topic or emotions are overheating and you want to re-focus everyone’s attention.
Here are 10 of the top conversation stoppers you need to avoid
The truth is that without good communication skills, it’s unlikely you’ll qualify as a leader. If you have the necessary skills and training, you may rise to a management position. Leadership requires an entirely different set of additional skills. Your responsibility is to be the craftsman of your organization’s mission. Why communication skills is so important. …
Are your communication skills good enough for leadership? Read More »