Meetings and presentations – Time to shine
Modern management encourages decision making by consensus, so we have many meetings and presentations giving a chance for your star to shine.
Modern management encourages decision making by consensus, so we have many meetings and presentations giving a chance for your star to shine.
A study revealed that 68% of people responsible for hiring staff spent less than two minutes reading each résumé they receive.
Sometimes we are in a situation where we can grab an opportunity to give a sales pitch.These are invariably very small windows so what to do?
Create your story, write a story about you. Not a dull outline of your history since school days. One that tells the world something different about you.
If you’ve been thinking that business English is not as difficult as you first feared, now is a good time for us to bring the bad news.
Always see things from the other person’s point of view, especially if you want them to understand what you have to offer.
Great conversations, remember them? You ask, I answer. I ask, you answer. Backwards and forwards in perfect rhythm, like a game of tennis.
There are several key industries in which “jobs of the future” opportunities will increase dramatically over the next three years. Know which ones.
Buzzwords began life with a useful purpose and some are still important identifiers in certain businesses, professions and industries.